Reasons other than money in network marketing


The desire to be recognized is one of the greatest motivators for people who join the network marketing profession. (Fact: Network marketing is not a industry it is a profession.) It is also a method of distribution.

When work is a grind and people get no public recognition,they will look for something that is more exciting. Network marketing is often the answer because this profession makes a huge fuss over its people, all the time. And why not? People build businesses,and smart network marketing executives no it. That's why Mary Kay Ash wraps furs around the shoulders of her cosmetic selling representatives and gives them pink cars to drive. Its why network marketing companies organize annual conventions; so they can praise their distributors and bring them on stage to publicly acknowledge their accomplishments. And the people love it, perhaps most people are starved for this kind of attention.

People also join this profession, because of the personalities of the people who make up the profession. Spend an evening with a bunch of network marketers, and you'll be amazed by their positive attitudes, friendliness, and willingness to help each other.They don't keep secrets from their colleagues. if they find a solution to a problem, they want everyone to take advantage of it. Color, creed, gender, education, and seniority are issues network marketers leave behind at other previous jobs.

Personal development is another motivator for people drawn to network marketing.Often,people are so beat down by jobs, employers, coworkers, commuting and the need to get ahead that they lose self esteem. Then their attitude takes a nose dive, possibly followed by their health. Sooner or later, some of these folks look at themselves in a mirror and ask; why? That's when the right network marketing company can rescue them. Most companies, through weekly telephone conference calls, regional and annual, video and audio, and workbooks, encourage their distributors to work on themselves harder than they work on their businesses. People with high self esteem usually don't struggle as networkers. In fact they're very good at it. And the more successful they become the better they become at it.

People get involved in network marketing for many reasons other than money, and at first that amazed me.I thought everyone would be motivated by the money, but a lot of people are attracted to the recognition. Imagine someone who has gone to work everyday for years, grinding it out and never getting any recognition, not even a pat on the back. as soon as they join a network marketing company and get a little success, they go to a meeting with hundreds of people, and they're asked to stand up so that everyone can cheer for them. That puts fuel in the boiler! They can't wait to get out there and do something so they can get recognized for it again.

Although people may think that their getting into network marketing for the money, a friend of mine, David Arcangelo, a former network marketer disagrees. Really they're attracted to the people. As a Network marketer, you get a chance to teach other people and watch them succeed, and most people relish that opportunity. If things work out, you may even earn a tremendous amount of money. David was never a full time network marketer, he dabbled in the profession just for the fun of it, and because I like the people, he explains. That fun led to a downline of 7,000 networkers, and even after David stopped actively working in the business, his commission checks continued to increase.

How could this happen? he didn't work and he still got paid? And he got paid more? Yes! It's called residual income. It's one of the greatest benefits of network marketing.

Another major bonus in network marketing is the ability to set your own hours and to work around your families schedule.

The desire to be recognized is one of the greatest motivators for people who join the network marketing profession. (Fact: Network marketing is not a industry it is a profession.) It is also a method of distribution.

When work is a grind and people get no public recognition,they will look for something that is more exciting. Network marketing is often the answer because this profession makes a huge fuss over its people, all the time. And why not? People build businesses, and smart network marketing executives no it. That's why Mary Kay Ash wraps furs around the shoulders of her cosmetic selling representatives and gives them pink cars to drive. Its why network marketing companies organize annual conventions; so they can praise their distributors and bring them on stage to publicly acknowledge their accomplishments. And the people love it, perhaps most people are starved for this kind of attention.

People also join this profession, because of the personalities of the people who make up the profession. Spend an evening with a bunch of network marketers, and you'll be amazed by their positive attitudes, friendliness, and willingness to help each other. They don't keep secrets from their colleagues. if they find a solution to a problem, they want everyone to take advantage of it. Color, creed, gender, education, and seniority are issues network marketers leave behind at other previous jobs.

Personal development is another motivator for people drawn to network marketing.Often,people are so beat down by jobs, employers, coworkers, commuting and the need to get ahead that they lose self esteem. Then their attitude takes a nose dive, possibly followed by their health. Sooner or later, some of these folks look at themselves in a mirror and ask; why? That's when the right network marketing company can rescue them. Most companies, through weekly telephone conference calls, regional and annual, video and audio, and workbooks, encourage their distributors to work on themselves harder than they work on their businesses. People with high self esteem usually don't struggle as networkers. In fact they're very good at it. And the more successful they become the better they become at it.

People get involved in network marketing for many reasons other than money, and at first that amazed me.I thought everyone would be motivated by the money, but a lot of people are attracted to the recognition. Imagine someone who has gone to work everyday for years, grinding it out and never getting any recognition, not even a pat on the back. as soon as they join a network marketing company and get a little success, they go to a meeting with hundreds of people, and they're asked to stand up so that everyone can cheer for them. That puts fuel in the boiler! They can't wait to get out there and do something so they can get recognized for it again.

Although people may think that their getting into network marketing for the money, a friend of mine, David Arcangelo, a former network marketer disagrees. Really they,re attracted to the people. As a Network marketer, you get a chance to teach other people and watch them succeed, and most people relish that opportunity. If things work out, you may even earn a tremendous amount of money. David was never a full time network marketer, he dabbled in the profession just for the fun of it, and because I like the people,he explains. That fun led to a downline of 7,000 networkers, and even after David stopped actively working in the business, his commission checks continued to increase.

How could this happen? he didn't work and he still got paid? And he got paid more? Yes! It's called residual income. It's one of the greatest benefits of network marketing.

Another major bonus in network marketing is the ability to set your own hours and to work around your families schedule.


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